Musings of a working Mom

Posts tagged ‘running’

Things that make me happy

I saw a blog post today about Things making me happy at Harassed Mom, and thought it might do me good to think of some happy thoughts.

1. Andrea’s singing – she basically sings the whole time, and makes up songs about everything she sees. She tried singing the Do-Re-Mi song from Sound of Music but was singing “Do..a fear…a demale fear” and then later “Me…a You…a Me and You”.

2. Arno’s runnig – he’s just running everywhere at the moment. He’ll run into the room, look at you and then run into the next room and so forth. And he looks so cute while doing that. He is also finally starting to put words together, so it’s some progress in his talking.

3. Knitting – I’m not a knitter. Not even in the slightest bit. I have some knitting needles that I got from my Mom, and a bit of wool because a few years ago I thought I’ll start knitting which I never did. Then Andrea asked me something about knitting, and I showed her how you do it. She then asked me to knit a scarf for her baby doll. I’m suppose to be reading a book for work, but was really struggling, because I keep on falling asleep, so now I’m knitting doll scarves while I’m reading and I’m actually enjoying it.

4. Almost finished the 4DX book – I love reading…fiction. I’ll also read biographies, but I don’t enjoy reading business books. Now I have to read The 4 Disciplines of Execution for work. The last month Arno’s sleeping has been extra bad, so in my 6 hours of sleeping I get I’ve been getting up every hour for him. Trying to read in that time just means me falling asleep with a book in my hand. What makes me happy is that I’m almost done with the book.

5. Milk tart – For the first time in my life I made a milk tart. I love milk tart, but was always scared of making it as I’ve heard it can easily go wrong. But it came out perfectly. Brought some to the office and one of the guys asked how much I’ll charge for it, because it tasted exactly like his Grandmother use to make.


Sport and your kid

I22 (Small)


Always interesting for me to see how parents compare with their children when it comes to sport.

I never did any sport at school. I was in a very big school in Joburg, and quickly realised if you’re not very good you don’t get chosen anyway, so when we had compulsory sport I use to bunk. I did do ballet and tennis privately though, but not for very long.

My husband on the other hand took part in almost everything (and excelled in it). Different athletics items, swimming, rugby etc. Broke records and got colours in sport.

So now I’m watching how the kids are going to turn out. We are encouraging our daughter to take part in sport, and with their athletics I went ‘running’ with her so that she can see what she’s suppose to do. The 18 month old usually runs with, and both of them love being outside and active. They always choose being outside over the TV.